2013년 3월 28일 목요일

2013/01 Jeju

2013/01 Hongkong

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2013년 3월 22일 금요일



스키마 비교


Report RPUSCC00 compares two schemas and displays the differences. Differences are based on the following:
Lines that are to be created are not in schema 1.
Lines that are to be deleted are no longer in schema 2.
If lines are to be changed, those of schema 1 are displayed first followed by those of schema 2. The lines of schema 2 are indented to set them off from those of schema 1.
The comparison generally shows which changes you must make to schema 1 have so that it is identical to schema 2.



계산룰점검 생성


The report generates diverse members (main report and includes),
depending on parameters, program class and HR country
grouping. These members are required in order to be able to
carry out a check in the cycle editor for the parameter
combinations specified.
The following describes which includes are required for
generating and which member is produced.
  RPCCOa0z    Contains the coding for all international
              operations, independent of program class and
              HR country grouping.       (input)
  RPxCOayz    Contains the coding for all national
              operations, dependent on program class and
              HR country grouping.       (Input + Output)
  RPUCCxy0    This is the main report that is called up
              by the cycle editor.               (Output)
  RPUCOxyz    Contains the coding for all international
              operations that are allowed for the particular
              program class and the particular HR
              country grouping.                   (Output)
    a stands for type of routine,
            a = F: Main routine for the operations,
            a = S: Subroutines for the operations,
    x       for program class,
    y       for HR country grouping indicator which is derived from
            HR country modifier.
    z       for serial numbering.
It may be apparent that another Include is required when calling up
the check. This is generated using a different report.
  RPxOIPy0    Contains the perform indicated.

SELECT-OPTION HR Country Modifier
If Time Management is given as the program class then no HR country modifier should be entered.
If Payroll is given as the program class then all country modifier entries from table T500L are permitted.
The HR country modifiers are used to determine the HR country indicators which are used to name the report to be generated. It is also used in the selection of the valid operations and parameters. A personnel calculation rule is generated for each HR country modifier.

PARAMETER Program Class
Only 'T' for Time Management and 'C' for Payroll are permitted input values.
The program class is used to name the report to be generated and to determine the permitted operations and parameters.



스키마 점검에 대한 생성 리포트


This report generates reports that check whether a schema has a formal error or whether it is formally correct. The coding is generated using the four tables T52A0, T52B6, T52B7, and T52B5.
By using the Select option and the parameters, you can specify for which program classes and for which countries the reports should be generated. If payroll was chosen as the program class, then those countries specified by means of the HR country modifier are checked for permissibility using table T500L and the feature MOLGA and then the country versions are generated.





Restructuring Transparent Tables for RGDIR and WPBP


This report restructures the transparent tables HRPY_RGDIR and HRPY_WPBP for the payroll results. The system needs the information from these tables for the selection of the logical database for payroll results.
The system takes the data records to be created from the cluster CU (payroll directory) and the WPBP (work center/basic pay) table. This means that the information is saved reduntantly and can be reconstructed from the cluster data at any time.


The functional scope of this help report is also contained in Report RPUDIR00 (New Structure of the Payroll Directory). This report also structures the transparent tables mentioned above.


Note that for each personnel number selected, the system has to read all the payroll records. This can cause long runtimes when running a large number of personnel numbers.


You can use the Detail Log switch to display the data records created for each personnel number. The log is switched off in the case of a mass run of 100 personnel numbers upwards.