Use the data entry screen number for an absence to determine which screen (entry screen) is used to enter, display and maintain a record of this particular absence type.
The time constraint class controls the system reaction if a new record in the Absences infotype (2001) overlaps with existing time infotype records.
When the system processes an absence classed as leave, it deducts from the leave entitlement quota. You should therefore assign the leave absence type to the quota deduction screen (2001).
You have defined all required absence types in the Define Absence Types step.
Standard settings
The standard SAP absences types are already assigned to the appropriate screen numbers.
In the standard system, the following numbers are allocated to the screens:
1. 2000 - General absenceThis screen is used for all absences which do not require special processing (such as paid leave of absence for getting married).
2. 2001 - Quota deductionThis screen is used for entering data on leave or time in lieu of overtime.
3. 2002 - Work incapacityUse this screen for all absence types where continued pay should be taken into account automatically by the system.
4. Special screens have been developed for the following absence types:2003 - maternity protection, parental leave2004 - military and non-military service2005 - work incapacity (Netherlands)
Copy the model entries from the SAP system when you define absence types. Note that non-visible entries from views are also copied. The appropriate screen numbers are already assigned in this step.
Each time you copy an entry, make sure that you only use absence types that have similar processes.
1. Check that the correct screen numbers have been assigned for all absence types. This is particularly important if you want to implement quota deduction.
2. Correct the entries if necessary.
3. Enter the time constraint class for the absence type. The section Specify System Reaction to Overlapping Time Infotypes contains concept information for defining time constraint classes.
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