2009년 12월 17일 목요일

Note 412261 - Enhancement of Time Management infotypes

Note 412261


According to the documentation for the enhancement of infotypes, the infotypes of Time Management are excluded from the enhancement concept (customer-specific fields). That is, you cannot include new fields in these infotypes. Incorrectly, however, the documentation only states infotypes with numbers 2nnn here. However, also the following Time Management infotypes cannot be enhanced that is, you also cannot add new fields to these infotypes:

Infotype 0005 ('Leave Entitlement');
Infotype 0080 ('Maternity Protection/Parental Leave')
Infotype 0081 ('Military Service')
Infotype 0083 ('Leave Entitlement Compensation')
Infotype 0416 ('Time Quota Compensation')

If you add fields to these infotypes, no stable and secure processing of the infotype records can be guaranteed. Under these conditions, inconsistent data may occur.

Additional key words

Cause and prerequisites
For business reasons, the specified infotypes have a complex screen control and flow logic which overrides the general infotype screen control concept. For example, the screen control is influenced by the processing mode (infotype 5: creation and change of the record, use of other screens) or the initial screens are views of several infotype records.However, a basic prerequisite for the secure functioning of the enhancement concept is that the general infotype screen control concept is adhered to and that the flow logic does not differ from the infotype standard concept.

Do not use the option of the enhancement concept for the above infotypes.

The following solution may be interesting for you as a workaround: Add the relevant customer-specific fields to a new customer-specific infotype or to a related master data infotype which supports the enhancement concept. If required, use the option of the infotype header to display these new fields in the context of the time infotype as well.

Some customers report that they made quite good experiences with the use of customer-specific fields in the above time infotypes in particular if these infotypes are supplied by batch input so that the user interactions can be foreseen.Here it should be mentioned that in specific customer situations, a correct processing is actually possible, however, this correct functioning cannot be guaranteed in the general case as described above. In particular changes of the processing logic (or error corrections as in Note 313887) may lead to the situation that a 'correct' processing is suddenly no longer possible.Thus it has to be made clear that the use of customer-specific fields in the above time infotypes always occurs at your own risk. In the extreme case, you have to change to the above workaround and migrate the stored data to the new infotype if problems occur.

Header Data
Release Status:
Released for Customer
Released on:
25.06.2001 22:00:00
Master Language:
Correction with low priority
Primary Component:
PT-RC Time Data Recording and Management

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