2010년 2월 8일 월요일

SAP Reports

REKH0004 - SAP demo program that shows how to do 2D, 3D, and 4D graphics.
RGUGBR00 - Substitution/Validation utility
RHGENZ0/HRGRENZ2 - Notes RHGRENZ0/2 will abend if there are any inconsistencies between PD and PA (i.e. people in a different controlling area than the position they belong to).
RHGRENZ0 - Delimit IT1000 and related 1001s. Program will delete any 1001 infotypes whose start date is after the delimit date.
RHGRENZ1 - Extend the end date on delimited records. Very useful when you delimit a bunch of records incorrectly, and need to change the end date.
RHGRENZ2 - Delimit IT1001 only.
RKCTSEAR - Search source code for up to two strings. Also see RSRSCAN1 and RPR_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN.
RPDTRA00 - List all HR transactions.
RPR_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN - Search ABAP code for a string. Has many more options for selecting the ABAPs to search than RSRSCAN1 or RKCTSEAR.
RPUAUD00 - HR Report to list all logged changes for an employee. Uses the PCL4 Audit Cluster.
RPUAUDDL - HR Report to delete audit data from the PCL4 Audit Cluster.
RPUDELPN - Delete all info for an employee number, including cluster data and infotypes
RPUP1D00/10 - View/Delete data from PCL1 Cluster
RPUP2D00/10 - View/Delete data from PCL2 Cluster
RPUP3D00/10 - View/Delete data from PCL3 Cluster
RPUP4D00/10 - View/Delete data from PCL4 Cluster
RSABAPIV - Mass print/display of ABAP/4 help text
RSAVGL00 - Table adjustment across clients
RSBDCBTC - Submit a BDC job with an internal batch number and wait for the end of the batch input session.
RSBDCDRU - Prints the contents of a Batch Input session. No options for error transactions only.
RSBDCOS0 - Execute UNIX commands. Looks similar to the old SAPMSOS0 program that disappeared in 3.0
SBDCSUB - Release batch input sessions automatically
RSBTCDEL - Clean the old background job records
RSCLTCOP - Copy tables across clients
RSDBCREO - Clean batch input session log
RSINCL00 - Extended program list
RSORAREL - Get the Oracle Release
RSPARAM - Display all instance parameters
RSPO0041 - Removing old spooling objects
RSRSCAN1 - Search source code for a given string. Will also search includes. Also see RKCTSEAR and RPR_ABAP_SOURCE_SCAN.
RSSNAPDL - Clean the old ABAP error dumps
RSTBSERV - Compare a contents of a table between clients
RSTXFCON - Converts SAPScript page formats
RSTXSCRP - Save a SAPScript layout set to disk, and load it back into SAP.
RSTXSCRP - Transport SAPscript files across systems
RSTXSCRP - Upload and download SAPScript layout sets
RSTXTPDF4 - Pass the spool number of a report's output to this program to have the output converted to PDF format.
RSTXTRAN - Add standard texts to a transport so they can be moved between systems.
RSUSR003 - Check the passwords of users SAP* and DDIC in all clients
RSUSR006 - List users last login
RSWBO052 - Change development class of a sapscript (provided by Alan Cecchini)
RSWBO060 - put objects into a request and transport it to any other system

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